Hi there! I'm

Rup Jaisinghani.

I'm looking for part-time/internship opportunities as a software engineer.


I am an undergraduate honors student studying computer science and mathematics at Northeastern University

I was born in the United States but grew up and went to school in Singapore and the United Kingdom

My other interests include sport, music and cooking.


Although I currently have limited professional experience in software engineering, I have participated in various opportunities to develop my skills.


YouthHacks 2019

Developed a live chat web app as a support mechanism for those with mental health with a group of friends.

February - July 2020

Part time web developer @ WWF (World Wide Fund For Nature)

Developed an ecommerce website using HTML and CSS to customize and add functionality to Shopify’s default theme.


CS50 Finance Web App

Web app via which you can manage portfolios of stocks by querying IEX for stocks' prices.

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Maze Generator/Solver

Programme which implements Kruskal's Algorithm to generate a maze. Maze can be solved using BFS, DFS, or manually by the user.

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Battleship game

A modified version of the clasic Battleship game, which operates on the command line interface. Users can choose between playing single player, or have the computer player to play another computer remotely over a network connection.

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Bullet Journal

Bullet Journaling Java application to keep track of individual weeks. Each day of the week holds onto events and tasks for that day. Includes additional functionality as persistence, keyboard shortcuts, expandable task queue, mini viewer, etc.

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+1 (857) 313-0211